Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Melbourne freezes

Melbourne is panicing in the face of its coldest day for 2 years. 'Icy winds' are plunging temperatures into single figures. Bless!

Last Matthew Norman

Matthew Norman' last restaurant review covered a restaurant owned by one of the England football team, Stephen Gerrard. Try reading between the lines.

Friday, 9 April 2010


Guardian's 'Internet picks of the week' on 20th March included a selection of lists. Nerdy obsession awaits...

List of lists?

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Matthew Norman again

After far too long, a review of a bad restaurant, this one run by the bald cockney bloke off Masterchef.

Wallace & Co

Monday, 14 December 2009

AA Gill review

Normally AA Gill irritates the tits off me, but this review is good; the food was terrible.

Aqua Nueva

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Matthew Norman reviews

Matthew Norman, restaurant critic in The Guardian, is always at his best when the food and service are terrible. Sarah and I only bother to read a review when he's given less than 3/10. For example, 'Taste of McClements' got 1.5/10, this place was also rubbish, and his review of a London steakhouse that has caricatures of Paul McCartney on the walls is a particular favourite.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Let's try this...

I'm sure there's a more elegant way of doing the blog thing. Here's a picture of Elizabeth. So far, she has been an absolute delight - she's been sleeping through the night for the last two weeks and greets us in the morning with a huge smile.